Everyday, we are bombarded
with “facts” and “news” that are grounded not necessarily in truth but in
someone’s agenda. They are attempting to
persuade us that their slant is the truth.
As we so often find in the Bible, there is nothing new under the sun,
and fake news is not a new phenomenon but has been around for a long, long
time. In Colossians 2, Paul repeatedly urges
the church at Colossae to not fall for it (and neither should we!)
Colossians 2:8 – See to it that no one takes you captive
through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and
the basic principles of this world rather than Christ.
Things to think about:
· We can identify
fake news through two lenses – the Message and the Messenger
The Message
· Fine-sounding
arguments with lots of detail
Colossians 2:4 – I tell you this so that no one may deceive you
through fine-sounding arguments
Col. 2:18 – “…goes into great detail about what he has seen”
· Hollow and
Col. 2:8a – through hollow and deceptive philosophy
· Human-based
and worldly
Col. 2:8b – depends on human-based tradition and the basic
principles of this world
· Worthless
Col. 2:23 such regulations have an appearance of wisdom with their
self-imposed worship, their false humility, and their harsh treatment of the
body but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence
§ Don’t touch
this! Don’t taste that! Don’t go near this!
§ The Forbidden
Fruit Effect
The Messenger
· False
humility and unspiritual
Col. 2:8 – Do not let anyone who delights in false humility
Col. 2:23 – “…their false humility…”
§ The pretend
to be lowly in spirit but really are high in pride
Col. 2:19 – “his unspiritual mid puffs him up with idle notions”
Often based on a “special insight”
· What’s the
antidote to Fake News?
The Good News of course!
§ Just like a
Treasury agent is trained in spotting counterfeit currency by studying the real
thing, we must have a strong grasp of the truth to see the lies
§ Jesus is the
source of truth, not man’s fine-sounding and idle thoughts
· John 14:6 - I
am the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me
§ Acceptance by
God is found in faith and obedience, not self-abasing works, and false humility
· Isaiah 64:6 –
all of our righteous acts are like filthy rags
Next time you hear about a special insight or a new “ism”, call it
out for what it really is – Fake News