A few years ago, TV manufacturers
were pushing 3D as the latest technology you had to have but it never really caught
on. Wearing funny glasses and getting a
little woozy just didn’t seem to be that popular of an idea 😊. As usual, God has a bigger and better idea,
living our lives in the 4D of Christ’s love.
Let’s look at these four dimensions individually and how they fill us to
the measure us of all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:18 - to grasp how wide and long and high and
deep is the love of Christ
Things to think about:
· Wide – this covers
every facet of our lives, not just the narrow parts we might think of with
religion or that we’re comfortable letting God have a say in. Think too of when you hold your arms out to
show how wide something is, you are reaching beyond yourself and touching the
lives of others.
Are there areas of your life that are easier or harder to accept
Christ’s love?
· Long – Christ’s
love for us runs the entire length of our lives. It isn’t for short periods when we are “feeling
it” or a phase we go through. It also shouldn’t
run out as we get older that might lead to us to not finishing as well as we could
How can we stay in His love so that we do not falter and stumble?
· High – Christ’s
love for us reaches high into the heavenlies where the glory of God resides. It
is here where things so unspeakably beautiful are that Jesus showers us with.
Paul prays that we might have the power to grasp the four
dimensions of Christ’s love for us and this one may be the toughest one to take
hold of (at least it is for me) since it deals with the infinite nature of God.
Which of God’s qualities are the most mind-blowing for you?
· Deep – Christ’s
love goes deep into our inner being where our true selves are, deeper than we
even understand about ourselves
The human heart is deceitful above all things, who can understand
it? We don’t even understand ourselves,
but our Creator does (and loves us anyway)
What are qualities you have He has shown you over time that you
were unaware of before? These don’t have to necessarily be bad things!
The passage goes on to say that this love
surpasses knowledge. It is not a thing
to be figured out, rather something to be transformed by, to be filled to the
measure of all of the fullness of God.
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