Sometimes I worry that if you
really knew me, you wouldn’t think that much of me (maybe you already know me and
this describes you!) In our passage,
Jesus says that He knows you. Let’s
unpack what it means to be known and why it matters so much.
John 10:14 – I am the Good Shepherd. I know My sheep and My sheep know me.
Things to think about:
· Words matter
– a lot. In the Greek, there are two words for the verb “to know”
Oida – to be familiar with
Ginosko – to be intimately familiar with
§ This is the
word Jesus used here and is the same word He uses when describing how He and
the Father know one another
· In our case,
He knows the good, the bad, and the ugly
The woman at the well – John 4
· You are
probably familiar with the three words used for our one English word, love
Eros (physical), phileo (fraternal), agape (unconditional)
He ginoskos you and He agapes you
§ When I first
wrote this, it read He agapes you “anyway”
§ But I got thinking,
that’s wrong. He made you and loves how
He made you.
· We tend to
focus on our flaws, weaknesses, and mistakes
We have an enemy who encourages this kind of thinking
Jesus focuses on our good points, our purpose, how He wants to be
with us for eternity
We’re not in the Scratch and Dent section
§ We’re behind
the glass where He has His most precious masterpieces
· How does reflecting
on how well Jesus knows you, affect how you feel His love for you?
· The flipside
of all of this is that He says we know Him
When you really get to know someone, you spend time with them
You see how they respond in various situations
You listen to the words they say
· What can you
do this week to get to know Jesus a little bit better?
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