Monday, October 9, 2017

Life Lessons from King David

Life Lessons from King David
One of the most compelling men in the Bible is King David. From giant slayer to adulterer to tender psalmist, David is a study in contrasts and complexity.  Let’s take a look at his life - the Good, the Bad, and the Eternal - to see what lessons we can learn from this inspiring yet enigmatic man.

Acts 13:22
God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’

Things to think about:
·       David is a man whose life had breathtaking highs and bone crushing lows
·      Highs
o   Defeat of Goliath
o   Victorious leader of the Mighty Men
o   Psalmist
o   Father to Solomon, the wisest man ever
o   King chosen by God to lead His people
o   God says he is a man after His own heart
·      Lows
o   Hunted like an animal by Saul
o   Best friend Jonathan died at a young age
o   David was an adulterer
o   David was a murderer
o   Loss of infant son
o   His favorite son Absalom rebelled against him and died
o   His first wife Michal hated him
o   David’s son Amnon raped his half-sister
o   By God’s decree, calamity and violence ruled his home
·      Which of David’s actions do you most associate with him?
·      Which of his qualities do you most admire?
·      What warnings do you draw from his life?
·      God says he is a man after His own heart
o   How do you reconcile David’s spectacular failings with this?
o   What does this tell you about how God’s grace in your own life?

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