Often, the Bible uses light as
a metaphor for truth and understanding. Sometimes
as children of God, through disobedience, we can stray and wander off into
darkness. To create a source of light in
the darkness of our folly, the believer may for a while try to manufacture
their own truth to suit the situation. Isaiah
gives a very stern warning that this path does not end well.
Isaiah 50:10-11
Who among you fears the Lord
and obeys his servant?
That person may walk in the dark
and have no light.
Then let him trust in the Lord
and yet depend on his God.
But instead,
some of you want to light your own fires
and make your own light.
So, go, walk in the light of your fires,
and trust your own light to guide you.
But this is what you will receive from me:
You will lie down in a place of pain.
Things to think about:
are all like sheep, prone to wander
o Clearly, the Lord knows we are not
o God doesn’t say, “Fine, don’t coming
crying to me when you fall!”
o Instead, He says, “Trust in Me and depend
on Me.”
§ The word for this is repent (turnaround
and head back to the Light)
o Which of God’s qualities do you see in this
o How does this contrast with how God is
sometimes depicted as an angry policeman?
crux of this passage is found in the second part:
o “But instead, some of you want to light
your own fires and make your own light”
o God’s natural light on this planet is the
sun. It burns endlessly and with no
extra effort from man. It is a pure gift from above.
§ When we have to make our own light, that requires
energy, has to be constantly replenished, and leaves ashes and residue
§ What are ways we light our own fires and
make our own light?
biblical instruction
§ Why are man-made sources of light inevitably
going to burn us?
o God will allow people (even His children)
to pursue their folly:
§ “So, go, and walk in the light of your fires
and trust your own light to guide you”
§ Just like the father in the story of the
prodigal son, God permits us to leave the safety and security of our home with
Him to go chase lies and foolishness
o “But this is what you will receive from
Me, you will lie down in a place of pain”
§ Ouch
§ Sin always has consequences
§ Exchanging God’s truth for a lie is
especially egregious.
it’s too late, if you are busy making your own light, turn around and, “trust
in the Lord and depend on your God.”
o If you’re reading this, it’s not too
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