This is
one of my all-time favorite videos.
Before you read too much further, please take a minute to watch it. (if it looks like you need to buy something,
you don’t.) It does a phenomenal job of
reining in my impatience, judging attitude, and general self-centeredness.
Matthew 9:35 - When He saw the crowds, He
had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like
sheep without a shepherd.
Things to think about:
· As recently
as three days ago, I was on a plane when the guy in front of me leaned his seat
all the way back and I could barely use my laptop. I thought of all kinds of clever (and mean)
things to say to him.
And then I remembered this video.
I have no idea what hurts, fears, shame, guilt, etc. this guy might be
going through, but I’ll guarantee you one thing, he is going through something.
§ How do I
know? He’s BREATHING
§ Nobody gets a
pass on the challenges life throws at us.
Do you tend to show mercy or malice as an initial response?
· In Matthew,
we read that Jesus takes a different tack than me
He had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless
§ The Message
says it like this, ‘’when he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke.
So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd.’’
His heart broke when I was still lost, and I didn’t even know His
§ He sees us as
lost sheep in need of a shepherd
§ How does that
word picture encourage you to be more sympathetic?
How does His sacrifice on your behalf motivate you to be more generous in your attitude towards other people?
· Can you think
of a time when your attitude about someone changed when you knew more of their
What can we do to learn more about what others are going through?
· If you would
like some of the special glasses in the video, they’re actually available!
Matthew 9:36 - Then He said to His disciples, “The
harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.”
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